Modernity’s major advancements in human governance are: representative governments and the nation-states they govern, which we call democracies. But “democracy” is a misnomer, since the polity is ruled by elites through representatives who corrupt political


An Act establishing legislative procedures and an administrative agency to administer the legislative procedures on behalf of the citizens of the United States so they can deliberately exercise their legislative powers; and adding to the Federal Code.

Cold War déjà-vu

In his speech in Prague, President Obama's rhetoric was essentially no different than that of George Bush. He promised, because of our "moral responsibility," to rid the world of nuclear weapons. He then averred that

A Childish Foreign Policy

President Obama's touted policy shift toward Cuba is truly a disgrace and the details had to have been written by childish bureaucrats. Americans can make gifts to Cubans only if they are not communists. Be

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